
Women in History

April 5, 2022

Historical Writers Forum presents a lively discussion, followed by an...

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Women in History

Historical Writers Forum presents a lively discussion, followed by an audience Q & A, on researching and writing about Women in History. Hosted by Paula Lofting, the panel includes non-fiction author Sharon Bennett Connolly and historical fiction writers Anna Belfrage, Tony Riches and Samantha Wilcoxson. You may also likeAelfgyva: the Mysterious Woman in the Bayeux

Aelfgyva: the Mysterious Woman in the Bayeux Tapestry

Historical Writers Forum presents a panel discussion with 4 bestselling authors analysing the various candidates for Aelfgyva, the mysterious woman depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry. Hosted by Samantha Wilcoxson. You may also likeWomen in HistoryHauntings: An Anthology LaunchCreating Historical Fantasy

Hauntings: An Anthology Launch

Hosted by Sharon Bennett Connolly, join the authors of Hauntings as they celebrate the launch of the first anthology published by the Historical Writers Forum. Featuring SJA Turney, Samantha Wilcoxson, Paula Lofting, Kate Jewell, KS Barton, Lynn Bryant, Jennifer C. Wilson and introducing D. Apple. You may also likeWomen in HistoryAelfgyva: the Mysterious Woman in

Creating Historical Fantasy

Now live on YouTube: Author K.S. Barton hosts the Historical Writers Forum’s fascinating panel discussion on Creating Historical Fantasy, with Salina B. Baker, Marian L. Thorpe, and Stephanie Churchill. You may also likeWomen in HistoryAelfgyva: the Mysterious Woman in the Bayeux TapestryHauntings: An Anthology Launch